The Çanakkale Bridge

The Çanakkale Bridge

Çanakkale Bridge

The Çanakkale Bridge is a road suspension bridge in the province of Çanakkale in northwestern Turkey. Situated just south of the coastal towns of Lapseki and Gelibolu, the bridge spans the Dardanelles, about 10 km (6.2 mi) south of the Sea of Marmara. The bridge was officially opened on 18 March 2022 after five years of construction. The bridge’s tendering, design, construction and installation were handled by various companies in Turkey, Denmark, Korea and China.

The bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world with a main span of 2,023 m, surpassing the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (1998) length of 1,991 m in Japan by 32 m. The total length of the bridge is 3,563 m and together with the approach viaducts the length reaches 4,608 m. The deck of the bridge is 72.8 m high and 45.06 m wide, with a maximum thickness of 3.5 m (11 ft). The deck carries six lanes of motorway (three in each direction), together with a walkway on each side for maintenance.

1. The above information was edited from the Wikipedia article URL:


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